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                   Ex-Mormon Tricia Erickson Interview  

       A Former Mormon Bishop’s Daughter and Mormon Wife

Tricia was born into the Mormon Church to a Mormon bishop father. At nineteen she was married in a bizarre secret Mormon ceremony that all people married in the Mormon Church go through. In this interview Tricia exposes the evils of Mormonism.

The interview also reveals what Ann and Mitt Romney are part of and what they would believe as devout Mormons.

Along with being an expert on Mormonism, Tricia speaks on Islam, Gay Marriage, Barack Obama, Media Bias and numerous other topics, as a guest on FOX, CNN, MSNBC and other major TV networks. Tricia is a media, political and image consultant and the President of Crisis Management. And she is the author of Can Mitt Romney Serve Two Masters? 'The Mormon Church Versus the Office Of The Presidency of the United States of America.'


© Debra J.M. Smith